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Sorry, no entries were found for Courageous attractive romantic intelligent Catherine Parr became the sixth wife of Henry VIII Her story as Carolly Erickson re creates it is page turning drama from the splendors of the Field of the Cloth of Gold to the gory last years of the outsize King Henry when heads rolled and England trembled Catherine bestrode her destiny and survived to marry her true love Catherine Parr attracted the king’s lust and though much in love with the handsome Thomas Seymour was thrown into the intrigue filled snake pit of the royal court While victims of the king’s wrath suffered torture and execution Catherine is persevered—until at last she came within the orbit of the royal fury King Henry toyed with her first ordering her arrested then granting her clemency She managed to evade execution but she knew that the king had his wandering eye fixed on wife number seven She was spared by his death and married the attractive but dangerously unbalanced Seymour Her triumph was shadowed by rivalry with the young Princess Elizabeth whose lands and influence the lecherous Seymour coveted Catherine won the contest but at great cost.

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